Tag: autistic advocacy

Neurotypical Accommodations and Unwritten Rules

Neurotypical Accommodations and Unwritten Rules

Here’s the definition of a rule from the Oxford Dictionary: rule. Noun. One of a set of explicit or understood regulations or principles governing conduct within a particular activity or sphere.

The Preservation of Autistic Self-Advocacy

The Preservation of Autistic Self-Advocacy

*Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash It’s kind of funny that I don’t even want to write this right now. Currently, I feel neutral about autism advocacy. I’ve learned recently that there is a whole world out there of people who are sometimes trying to do their best but without the right resources. I’ve seen … Continue reading The Preservation of Autistic Self-Advocacy

What Autistic Advocacy Really Means

What Autistic Advocacy Really Means

What I want to talk about is the lasting effects that occur when autistic people are used as a commodity, a political football, a theoretical argument, as exploitation, when autistic people have to witness the dehumanization and legal torture of autistic people.